30 random things you probably don't know about me

30 random facts about me - for those of you who don't know me. And also for those who think they know me but if fact they really don't. Plus few pictures made by a friend a long time ago, about 10 kilos ago ;)

1. I don't have a middle name. I am just Agata.

2. My natural hair colour is dark blond but I have dyed my hair to purple and red in the past 12 years.

3. I am pro-life, pro-refugee, vegetarian Catholic so as you may imagine almost everyone has at least one reason to hate me  :D

4. For almost 3 moths I have lived in old castle in Denmark and the lack of sun and friendly people gave me depression.

5. I used to wish I was born in 1950s America so could live in one of those "little boxes" suburban houses of Levittown.

6. I graduated from Jagiellonian University and my major was American Culture, although I have never been in USA. But soon my dream will come true and I will go to Jackson. Don't worry, I ain't gonna mess around (but people gonna stoop and bow) :D :D :D

7.The subject of my thesis was the archetype of a perfect American family in 50s.

8. I am always cold so in the autumn/winter season I sleep with hot water bottle.

9. I was never drunk.

10.  I adore melancholic mood of songs and videos by Lana del Rey, Ices Lea, Regina Spector and Yael Naim. Here's my recent hit by Lia Ices. The video gives me goosebumps. 

11.  I don't know how to put on make up and I don't like putting anything on my face so I usually use only mascara and eyeliner.

12.  I never eat the white stuff in a bell pepper, it just freaks me out. Thats why I spend a lot of time to cut it out.

13. I love the sea and mountains so it's my dream to live in a place where can I have acess to both. 

14. I can eat half a pack of pasta on one sit. Just like that ;)

15. I am a pancake queen, and I have people to confirm this

16. In the past I wanted to become a fashion designer, lawyer and a nun. And so I become a logisctic specialist...

17. In the past I had a big crush on Patrick Swayze, David Duchowny and Martin Schmitt. Now my secret crush is Joaquin Phoenix

18. My biggest pet peeves are ignorant people and those who throw away food.

19. I am terribly afraid of snakes.

20. I can easily sleep about 14 hours in a row.

21. Racism, nationalism and sexism makes me wanna puke. Hard.

22. I like dogs over cats. I see dogs as man's best friends and companions, while cats more like a "little ball of fur" :D

23. I want to visit all of the Italian Regions, so far I have visited 9 out of 20. Tuscany, Lazio and Liguria are my top 3.

24. I simply adore John Dorian and other Scrubs character. But I could actually get married to JD ;)

24. Deep inside I belive that world would be a better place if we all use more bikes, trians and buses than cars. 

25. The statement above may derive from the fact I can't drive. And right now I have no intention to do so. But if there is someone willing to teach me and who is exceptionally patient I may reconsider this ;)

27. Although I am against the war I always liked Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and later on 34th president of the United States. And I do hope he didn't cheat on Mamie. 

28. If I could go for any concert it would be the show of Elvis, Johnny Cash, Freddie Mercury and Billy Joel. Too bad only one is actually possible...

29. I love cooking for other people (so I am not the only one who's fatty), and when people actually like what I made it's like a rapture. 

30. My best song which I can listen to over and over and over and over again is "Will you still love me tomowrrow" by The Shirelles <3 <3<3

I hope you enjoyed ;) Next time I will be back with some memories from the track. Hope to see you soon here!


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