Keep calm and come to Cracow

Almost a decade ago I was about to make a life-determining decision: I had to choose between two universities that accepted my application, one located in Katowice and the other one in Cracow. I made my decision in just a few seconds, based solely on the fact that Cracow seemed to be so awesome. If you wanna know if I regret it, keep calm and continue reading ;)

Living in Cracow for almost 10 years is a fascinating adventure that consist of continuous struggles with flat owners, public transportation, smog, flatmates,  high prices and hords of tourists. Since I try to travel as much as possible in recent years I am able to notice the things that distinguish Cracow among other popular European destinations. And so I am able to point just few reasons why it's worth to visit Cracow ...and maybe even stay for longer...

Reason 1 - the people

Frankly I don't know that many Cracow natives, but I have meet here really, I mean REALLY amazing people. Since Cracow is an university center, the city is full of people from all over the country as well as students and lecturers from other countries. Many people from all over the world also works here and so the different nationalities, languages and cultures are melting together just to create this good vibe that fills the pubs and coffee shops... Speaking of which:

Reason 2 - pubs, clubs and coffee shops

Oh how much I adore this Cracow "café life"! Yes, it makes me spend a lot of money on coffee/chocolate/chocolate coffee/tea  but what I get in return is priceless: a cozy atmosphere of Mleczarnia, vibrant moods of Camera Cafe, the sweetest smell of Manufaktura and a breath of French chic by Bonjour Cava. This are just few examples, but the list of Cracow pubs is countless and I assure it will satisfy everyone. I regularly discover something new that inspires me (and violates my budget) so if you need any advice just let me know.   

Reason 3 - theatres & cinemas

I would rather stay home than go to the big and fancy multiplex. Luckily Cracow has this old but magic places such as Ars, Pod Baranami or Micro where I can watch movies on a big screen, at the same time feeling like I am at home, in my own armchair. Plus there are theaters that play some good comedy shows  (I don't like to watch the serious stuff, I believe the real world is hard enough to pay for watching some more pain on stage).  

Reason 4 - undiscovered treasures

I live in this city for almost 10 years but yet I still haven't seen everything that is worth seeing. I still discover new places (Erasm Ciolek Museum on Kanonicza Street) or even the whole disctrict (this summer revelation: Podgórze with old style villas, farm market and the best ice cream in the city).  I walk the streets for years and suddenly and unexpectedly I stumble on a bookstore, resaturant or ... church I haven't noticed before. (btw in Cracow there are about 130 different churches and chapels).

Reason 5 - transportation

As a non-motorized person who relies on public transportation (and bike) I must admit Cracow, despite the lack of the tube, is communicated quite well. Buses are may not be always on time but they reach all the places and the fleet is new. Ofcourse there is always some place for improvement but with transportation like this I don't even think about becoming a driver and waste my precious time in traffic jams. Additionaly the growing popularity of bikes causes extension of bike lanes. If only the air was clean...

Reason 6 - silence and peace

As I noticed before there are about 130 churches in Cracow of different denominations. Cracow also has 4 famous mounds (Kościuszki, Kraka, Wandy, Piłsudskiego) and many parks and green areas, including kilimeters of Vistula river embankments.  In all of this places I find my peace of mind, an escape from busy life and babbling crowds. 

Below few pictures that may help you feel the vibe of this conservative hole I simply adore ;)

Mariacki Church - the view from the Sławkowska Street

Wawel Castle, Cracow

Kazimierz, Cracow

Manufaktura Czekolady, Cracow

Wawel and Wisla, summer 2015

"The Head" by Mitoraj, Cracow

Pauline Fathers Monastery, Skałka

Bernatka Bridge

Forum Przestrzenie 2015

Cracow Nationa Gallery installation, summer 2015


  1. I'm crying that I can't live in Krakow anymore. So magical place... and I agree with all of Your points...


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