I can't stop loving you...

Ray Charles standard came into my head while I was heading to Rome few days ago and immediately made me think about those happy hours I shared once with the Eternal City.

To be honest I have always felt a kind of indimidated by this place. Rome's history, architectural momentum, accumulation of styles and works of art; even the city's size, speed and noise have always made me feel small and insignificant. 

The massive crowds of people, including countless tourists from all over the world are overflowing the ancient streets from down to dusk. All year round. The list of monuments worth seeing has no end - antique columns side by side with Renaissance domes, everything adorned with sculptures, paintings, frescoes and mosaics made by the greatest artists in history of this world. The visit in Vatican Museums can make you feel dizzy with the volume and caliber of collected there works of art, not to mention the ornamentation of the museum itself. The Stendhal syndrome is completely justified.

But don't be fooled by all that - Rome is not an open-air museum like Venice. The city lives for real! Streets are full of locals in their scratched and battered cars. The police try to direct the traffic although both drivers and pedestrians simply do whatever they want. Restaurants still serve the real italian and Roman food, not only "the touristic menu". Coffee tastes just amazing and luckily not everyone speak English.   

Not everybody likes Rome. Some people leave Rome tired, some dissappointed, others shocked by its dynamics and chaos. This place constantly surprises me and teaches me patience (whoever had to wait for the city bus knows what I am talking about). I just can't stop loving it. And can't wait to go back!    

Vatican, 2015

Vatican Museun, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015 

Vatican Museum, 2015

The School of Athens, Vatican Museums 

Bernini Angel, Vatican Museums 

Vatican Museums, 2015

Vatican Museums, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015

Vatican Museum, 2015

Roma, 2015

Forum Romanum, 2015

Roma, 2015

Piazza Navona, 2015

Santa Maria Maggiore, 2015

Roma, 2015

Roma, 2015

Roma, 2015

Roma, 2015

Rome at night. Buona sera!


  1. Ale pięknie!!!!!!!!

    1. to może teraz większą grupą do Rzymu? ;)

  2. ojej, jak tam jest ślicznie :) cudowne zdjęcia!

    1. Hi Marlena! dziękuję :* zerknęłam na Twoje zdjęcia i jestem pod ogromnym wrażeniem. Cudnie!


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