How not to get crushed by autumn depression

This article is brought to you thanks to the snowy Monday morning (October 12th) that inspired me to think about the few upcoming months.

So here I am, in the middle of October, realizing that the cold wind and snow will be with me for the next six months, if not more. I am a little bit low due to the recent life circumstances and yet the winter cold came surprisingly early this year (it actually looks like now we may have just two seasons hot & freaking cold). The lack of sun and inevitable moment when my leave days finished so I cannot travel, made me realize that depression season is officially open.

Of course I am not writing here to moan and whine because I’m not thak kind of person...anymore ;) So, I decided to not give up this time to this lousy bastard called despair. 

Warning: if you suffer from the real depression which is actually a very serious disease go to the doctor. You may keep reading or even implement some of my advices but this silly post is not a substitute of a medical help (if you wanna talk just send me a message).

wanna play? ;)

So here you have few tips about surviving fall/winter season 2015/2016 for those who hate cold, rain, wind and darkness as much as I do.

1.  Smell  – autumn and winter have some aromas that makes me feel like I am a kid again. A happy and hungry kid to be honest. The smell of oranges and tangerines, baked apple with cinnamon, hot wine with spices, vanilla candles, and above all the awesome smell of hot tea with lemon and honey... Why not enjoy it?

2. Get warm – my biggest dream is to have a fireplace but since I don’t have it I had to search for something else. I found something even better: sauna (my favourite is the infrared one). Not only will it give you the warmth and relax but will also improve your immunity. You just had to try this!

3. Slow down – in the summer there are things to do, people to see, places to visit. Days are long, I have so much energy I feel like I can conquer the world and sleeping is just a waste of time. While in the winter and fall there is no need to hurry... So I turn on the grandma's mode: fluffy blanket, cuddly onesie and big comfy bed. And napping, with absolutely no regrets.

4. Find a hobby - or if you already have one focus on it. I just initiated a cross stitch season, and yep it's just exciting!

5. Hang out with friends – long talks, movie nights, cooking together, board games... Come on, we all love indoor activities ;)

6. Catch up on movies, tv shows and books - what else can be better for those dark evenings than a short escape to other worlds - if only in your imagination.

7. Buy yourself colored pencils and make a good use of them - coloring books are this season's must have. If you don't like it try the old kids game of connecting the dots. Be careful though: it's addictive!

8. Plan your next spring/summer season - this one is my favourite thing to do. I already started my travel list for the next year and I have so many ideas that the 26 days of holidays will not be enough for sure :)

Every winter eventually ends, and the days will be sunny, long and warm again. Till then it's good not to give up to sadness, indifference and apathy. For sure I am not going to! 

cross-stitch season just started! soon some updates

I wasn't joking - it's really addictive...


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