Let's just do it my way

Budapest,  Liberty Bridge

Recently, probably due to the holiday season, I have came across few articles about different ways of travelling. At first I was surprised that people actually put so much effort just to explain how to travel, what to do or what to avoid. But then I read some interesting things about sustainable tourism and slow travel. Both topics have inspired me to think through my own way of travelling. And here you are a few tips I would like to share with you as I find them working very well for me. I realize those tips may not apply for everyone but like I said at the beginning – it is my way or the highway, so let’s just hit the road with me ;)

Before I start, just a note that I am not a fan of labels of any kind – I don’t divide people on travelers (who are open-minded and cool) and tourists (who are stupid, lazy and dull). I am also not able to put myself in any category since sometimes I travel with  a backpack and other time with a suitcase. I enjoy a nice meal in a good restaurant and I can sleep on the floor when needed. And above all I don’t think travelling counts only when you go far away – the distance is not the issue, only the attitude towards the new things we meet.

1.   Get lost!

Probably the most common tip you can find – but there is a reason so many people suggest it. It is just amazing to get rid of the map (at least for a while) and walk ahead, then turn right. Or left. Or whatever you decide. You never know what is waiting for you around the corner… Just in case, get an offline map app so you will find your way home ;)

2. Don’t take too many photos

I know, it sounds weird – we travel to take pictures so we can share them with friends and family and those random facebook people we used to know. But seriously, I have noticed that when I try make those awesome pictures I am not focused on the place I am in or on a moment. And this moment will never ever repeat itself, so might be nice to enjoy it. When making photos we try to take the best possible shot or to strike the  best possible pose. In the end we have a million of pictures that we rarely view – and above all the quality of most of them is not the best. No offense but  not many of us can make a good picture, for example inside of a dark church. And there are professionals that do it better – why not buy a postcard instead and just enjoy the moment?   

3.Distance does not make a travel

For some people travel is when you go far, far away, to some distant lands or exotic, famous places. For me cultural and geographical distance are not the key factors. Whether I go to London, Rome or Giżycko I feel the same kind of excitement (maybe just the volume of this excitement is slightly different when I go to Italy cause I adore this country). But in the end discovering any new place gives the same good feeling. At this point of my life,  I don’t have much travel experience and I am focused mainly on discovering Europe. Of course the main reason for that are money which I constantly lack, but also the fact that I want to get to know my own roots before I start to discover lands and cultures so different that my own. So, let's just buy a train ticket to the nearby village and check out what treasures it conceals.

One of my favourite images of modern tourism,  Venice 2015 

4. Stare at people

Forget for a while what your mum taught you about staring at people. Just find yourself a good observation point and watch the everyday life. People walking, talking, eating, hurrying, arguing. And when you don't understand the language it may be the real fun to listen the way they sound. I just love to do it. But remember - be respectful for all people you see. This type of staring is not to judge anyone, just to discover and maybe learn the other way of life.

Piazza San Marco, Venice 2015

5. Go grocery shopping 

You know what they say: show me what u eat and I will tell you who you are. Grocery stores, markets (including the smelly fish markets)are always on my list when I am visiting a new place. I just love to discover new flavors and for me in places like that you can feel a little like a local who just came over to buy some snacks on the way home. 

6.Try to go solo

Yes,travelling solo can be fun and it is not synonymous with being alone and sadly wandering the streets with tears in your eyes. When travelling solo you can meet much more people than you expect. And both hostels or Couchsurfing may help you with that. This kind of travel also teaches you to be more focused, independent and open for new things. Oh and when you feel like staying in bed longer there is noone to grumble about it ;) 

7. Send yourself a postcard

No, this is not a joke - the traditional mail still exist and why not use it for our own enjoyment? Ofcourse you can send postcards to your friends, family members or co-workers but ask yourself a question: when was the last time you got the postcard? Imagine how fun it is to come back home after holidays and find in a mailbox something much more interesting than bills and leaflets. 

Dresden, 2014

8. Lower your expectations

This is a short one: a pleasant surprise is always better than bitter disappointment. Don't expect to faint with the impression of places such as Rome, Paris or Vienna. You will probably not. Just stay cool and be happy you can be wherever you are. 

Cracow, 2015


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