Keep calm and come to Cracow

Almost a decade ago I was about to make a life-determining decision: I had to choose between two universities that accepted my application, one located in Katowice and the other one in Cracow. I made my decision in just a few seconds, based solely on the fact that Cracow seemed to be so awesome. If you wanna know if I regret it, keep calm and continue reading ;) Living in Cracow for almost 10 years is a fascinating adventure that consist of continuous struggles with flat owners, public transportation, smog, flatmates, high prices and hords of tourists. Since I try to travel as much as possible in recent years I am able to notice the things that distinguish Cracow among other popular European destinations. And so I am able to point just few reasons why it's worth to visit Cracow ...and maybe even stay for longer... Reason 1 - the people Frankly I don't know that many Cracow natives, but I have meet here really, I mean REALLY amazing people. Since Cracow is ...