The New York State of Mind

Brooklyn Brodge, NYC I think everything has already been written about this place. New York is indeed a „city that doesn’t sleep”, a „concrete jungle” where „there’s nothing you can’t do”. Frank knew about the charm of this place and Billy get a „New York state of mind” once in a while. They all made me dream about New York since I can remember. When I was finally able to go there I was both super excited and afraid that I might get disappointed. But has New York disappointed me ? Actually, quite the opposite – it was a love at first sight. I wish I could put down in words the sensations I felt when I left the underground and saw the Times Square for the first time. I know many people hate the Time Square, but I saw it for the first time early in the morning, and this is why I wasn’t crushed by the crowds and chaos. I just saw it as it is: colorful and vibrant. In total I’ve spend in NYC only 2 weeks so I am going to preten...