How to live a long and happy life
If you were expecting that this post will give you the answer for the question above then yey... I've fooled you! :D But seriously I am not gonna fool you anymore; this post was created not to give you the fixed answer. Nor it will present "10 tips on how to live happy life". I decided to write it hoping it will inspire you to stop for a moment and make your own research. What do I do to make my life happy, full and long? If you wanna know my opinion on this topic, keep reading. I want to emphazide, this is my opinion, so don't be lazy and form your own :P When it comes to life expectancy Spanish, Italians and Greeks are in the top 10. Also, as far as I noticed (although it may be only my personal experience), people from this countries also seemed to be happy, super friendly and sociable.I was thinking how do they do it? Mallorca, 2016 Few weeks ago I had visited Mallorca for the first time in my life. As far as Palma de Mallorca and the touri...