
Showing posts from June, 2015

Music makes it all better

One of the biggest (and additionally fat free) pleasure in my life is listening to music and I must say I am, as probably many of you, a little bit addicted to it.  I can’t start my working day unless I find a decent playlist that is suitable for the struggles of the logistic department. I also get a panic attack each time I forget my earphones  (or just think I forgot them) when I am entering a bus, plane or train. Moreover, a crucial part of my preparation to each trip – even the short one – is making a perfect playlist. This playlist suppose to be a kind of soundtrack, that together with the natural sounds of the place I am going to visit, and the talks and laughter of the people I am going to meet on my way, creates a memory that is more profound and powerful that any photo. A memory that comes back to me each time I can hear the song that was my companion on that certain moment and place. Unfortunately even though I choose my own soundtrack carefully, se...

Art is everywhere, everything is art

Great expectations are the best recipe for disappointment. I always knew it refers perfectly not only to relationships,  plans for the future  but also to travels. Millions of times I have been reading blogs & forums claiming how disappointing the pyramids of Giza were, how tacky and  smelly was Venice and how huge failure is this crowded and expensive Florence.  Even if it's all true (at least for some people) I have to admit that this kind of disappointment rarely happens to me.  Pisa, Tuscany 2014 It is kind of weird, because in the past I have travelled mainly in my imagination, reading books about all those fabulous places I want to see one day. And so I have created in my head visions that hardly ever fit the reality now when I can finally  travel for real. But it's not like the reality is better or worse than my expectations, it's usually just totally different than the creation of my hopes and dreams.  Only one pl...

Let's get fat together

Miało być o Pizie, miało być o Florencji, miało być o sztuce, kulturze i historii a zamiast tego będzie o jedzeniu. A to wszystko dlatego, że dostałam ostatnio taką oto romantyczną propozycję od kolegi: "(...)let's get fat together ". Propozycja jest przednia, toteż postanowiłam niezwłocznie rozpocząć wykonywanie zadania ;) Misję rozpoczęłam od zrobienia czegoś co zapewne jest tuczące, ale warte każdej pustej kalorii którą w sobie zawiera. Panowie i Panie oto bajecznie prosty przepis na coś co może być zarówno śniadaniem, obiadem, deserem i kolacją, czyli na : naleśniki z kremem z ricotty i truskawek. W którymś z odcinków mojego ulubionego serialu (dla niewtajemniczonych jest to serial " Scrubs "), Turk, dr.Cox i dr.Kelso zachwycają się ideą brinner  co jest skrótem od  breakfast for dinner . Przyznam, że ciężko było mi zrozumieć co tak fantastycznego jest w idei jedzenia śniadania na kolację, dopóki nie odkryłam całej rozpustnej przyjemności jaką...